AI & Big Data for Innovation Summit 2023

The event theme, AI for Sustainability, marks the first event under the new focus of the K4I Forum on Innovation for Purpose – Innovations for Good announced during the New Year Reception in the European Parliament on 24 January.This year’s AI Summit is taking place at a decisive moment when Europe is drafting the AI Act with tremendous effects for all areas of life. No doubt AI can play a key role in reaching European Green Deal objectives and UN SD Goals. How AI can be used to address climate challenges will be presented and discussed throughout the event.More generally AI has the potential to accelerate innovation and is nowadays used not only by AI startups but by almost any startup. Small and young businesses have limited administrative capacity and financial resources. They need a framework allowing them to test without too many burdens as this can be done when applying so-called Regulatory Sandboxes for example.AI will also play a major role in science and research and as such become an indispensable tool for European programs in research and innovation such as Horizon Europe.A lunch debate organized in cooperation with TU Delft will discuss how we can adapt to global warming which will become ever more important as we struggle to keep the earth’s average temperature rise below 1.5 Celsius.Finally, the participants will have ample opportunity to network from breakfast to dinner and during a Cocktail Reception.

6 March

16:30 – 18:00 – AI Act/Innovation/Startups


Maria da Graça Carvalho, K4I Forum Chair, MEP, EPP Portugal

16:35 - 16:50 Introduction

AI Act Impact Survey: Exploring the impact of the AI Act on Startups in Europe / Introduction MEP Policy Brief AI Act: Balancing Innovation & Regulation

Andreas Liebl, CEO appliedAI Initiative for Europe

16:50 - 17:20 Startup presentations

The AI Act in Healthcare — Challenges and Opportunities

Franz Pfister, CEO & Co-Founder, deepc

Can this AI revolution grow on European soil? The development, impact and ecosystem for generative AI towards sovereignty or subservience

Jonas Andrulis, CEO, Aleph AlphaAI 

Benedikt Wiechers, CEO and Co-Founder, Ocumeda

Dr. Christoph Haarburger, Co-Founder & CTO of ocumeda

17:20-17:45 Q&A/discussion

18:00 – 20:00 - Networking Reception 


Maria da Graça Carvalho, K4I Forum Chair, MEP, EPP Portugal

Pitches by conference speakers

Reactions by MEPs

7 March

8:00 - 9:30 - Working Breakfast 


Maria da Graça Carvalho, K4I Forum Chair, MEP, EPP Portugal

Stelios Kympouropoulos, MEP, EPP, Greece

State of play of the AI Act - Implications for innovation, startups and the European Green Deal

Irina Orssich, Head of Sector AI Policy, DG Connect, European Commission

AI as an enabler for Europe to remain the machine builder of the world

Carlo van de Weijer, General Manager TU Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute

AI for R&I

Liviu Stirbat, Head of Unit Industry 5.0, DG R&I, European Commission

Reactions by Members of the European Parliament

Tsvetelina Penkova, MEP, S&D, Bulgaria

Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP, EPP, Romania

Stelios Kympouropoulos, MEP, EPP, Greece

9:30-12:30: AI for Purpose 

Presentation of Whitepaper: How to leverage AI to support the European Green Deal

Introduction of MEP Policy Brief: AI Act and EGD

Andreas Liebl, CEO appliedAI Initiative for Europe

AI addressing UN SD Goals 

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Chair Technical Committee AI, International Federation for Information Processing, IFIP

AI-based solutions for water resource management

Abel Henriot, Hydrogeologist, Datascientist at Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières - French geological survey, BRGM

AI for environment and sustainable agriculture 

Dino Ienco, Research Director at Institut national de la recherche agronomique, INRAE 

12:30 - 14:30 - Lunch debate organised in cooperation with TU Delft

Climate science priorities in the light of accelerating climate change and European post-war reconstruction and resilience

Welcome of participants and Introduction of hosting MEP Mohammed Chahim

Michiel van Haersma Buma, Strategic advisor to the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geoscience TU Delft

Keynote address

MEP Mohammed Chahim, ENVI/ITRE, S&D, Netherlands

Keynote address 

Dusan Chrenek, Principal Advisor DG CLIMA, European Commission 

Opening lecture 

Prof. H. Russchenberg, Pro Vice Rector Climate Action on TU Delft Climate Action programme

Pitch on climate security

Prof. B. Taebi

Pitch on Climate Geo-engineering 

Prof. Herman Russchenberg, Pro Vice Rector Climate Action on TU Delft Climate Action programme

Q&A between participants and speakers, moderated by Michiel van Haersma Buma

Concluding remarks by Commission representative and closure by MEP M. Chahim

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