Dragoş Mihael Ciuparu, Prof.

Romanian Government

Secretary of State for Research; Ministry of Research; Innovation and Digitalization

Prof.  Dragoş Mihael Ciuparu is a chemical engineer by training with a Ph.D. from  the University of Paris 7 “Denis Diderot”. He spent almost 7 years with the  Department of Chemical Engineering at Yale University, first as a  post-doctoral fellow, and later as Research Scientist. At the end of 2005 he  returned to the Petroleum – Gas University of Ploieşti, Romania, establishing  a new research group and obtaining the title of professor.

Prof. Ciuparu has  published over 70 peer reviewed papers, coauthored 3 technical books, and  holds 5 US patents.    Prof. Ciuparu’s involvement in public administration and policymaking  started as a member of the Presidential Commission for Education and Research  Policy, widely credited with contributing to the jumpstart of the sectoral  reform process in Romania, and of the National Council for Scientific  Research.

Between 2010 and 2012 he was President of the National Authority  for Scientific Research, managing all policymaking and competitive research  funding programs in Romania. Starting with January 2020 he was appointed  Secretary of State for research within Ministry of Education and Research and  from June 2021, he was appointed Secretary of State for research within the  Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization.